What game is your favorite? Is it Super Mario? Beat Saber? Minecraft? Whatever it is, on whichever platform you love, whether virtual reality or Nintendo— all these are now within your reach as the Rock City Virtual Reality Game Truck. With four gaming stations, one aircraft simulator, and two race car simulators, the game truck can turn all your parties and events into a blast.
The co-owner of the venture, Arnelle Comissiong said that users can play different systems on each gaming station at any time. Moreover, each station can smoothly run two systems at a time. Thus, one person can play XBOX while another enjoys a PlayStation VR at the same time.
Covid-19 protocols
Commissioning works at the Schneider Medical Center as a full-time nurse. She, along with her husband Dr. Gilbert Commissioning reported buying the truck in 2020. However, their business launch was delayed due to the lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. The couple stated that the idea of the game truck occurred to them as they went on a family cruise with their two children Alexa and Gilbert. The ship they were boarded had a VR game room and the children simply loved it. As soon as they realized that there was nothing of that sort in the Virgin Islands, they started looking for a standalone building to launch a VR gaming business. But finding out that the infrastructure would cost a fortune, they started looking for an alternative. Soon, they found out that there is a California-based company that builds 30-long gaming trucks. After some online researches, meetings with the owner, customizations, and some personal training, they had the truck shipped to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
They received the truck the last February. Despite everything was ready to go, the pandemic halted the launch. They had to wait till both the lockdown periods were over. After the second lockdown, seeing the numbers being in favor of opening the venture, the couple started advertising their game truck and held small events. But they made sure all COVID-19 protocols were observed. Both of them being medical professionals knew very well how to keep up with the necessary safety measures. They also reduced the numbers from 24 to 12 gamers at a time in the game stations to maintain the social distancing protocol. Moreover, the VR headsets came with disposable masks that go under the devices, thus avoiding skin-to-skin direct contact.
Truck equipment
The game truck reportedly is equipped with XBOX 360, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, XBOX One, PlayStation 4, as well as VR headsets, motion guns, and motion controller pairs. The truck is available for gaming tournaments, school events, corporate events, fundraisers, birthday parties, and even senior citizens’ events. It is fully air-conditioned, handicap accessible, and boasts giant 50-inch TV screens.
The inside of the truck
Commissioning said that by 2022, they would tap into various local schools to use the VR headsets that they already have for educational purposes and help make learning more fun. She expressed that they think of themselves simply as two locals trying to come up with alternative ways for kids to have fun, just as they want for their own kids, especially while schools remain closed. She believes that this is something people across all age groups can enjoy.
For more information on the Rock City VR Game Truck, you can visit www.rockcityvirtualrealitygametruck.com or call 340-474-0355.